Friday, December 14, 2007

Technology And Scary Technology


'Lab 257' by Michael C. Carroll. This eBook presents a compelling circumstantial case that we must be ever mindful of the research being conducted around us. The photographs, government documents, news, and personal accounts of the operations of Plum Island reveal our hubris after WWII in believing we could control Mother Nature and the drastic consequences that hubris can cause. While I am not sure that one can prove the origin of Lyme disease, there are compelling arguments laid out for lab failures, poor maintenance, and potential contamination of the surrounding environment as a result. Pretty Deep Stuff, I know but I recommend this eBook.

'I Liked Your Profile' by Scott Davies. This book was an unexpected surprise! It was so refreshing to find a gay writing that was not all about sex or the usual topics, and actually had a story to go with it. After the end of his long term relationship, which shockingly lasted more than a decade, I Liked Your Profile - Experiences in Gay Online Dating tells the story of a thirty-something man's attempt to find a new relationship using online dating services. For being penned by a non-professional author, I found the book to be generally well written. Get the Coupon Code below to receive a Discount on either of these two eBook Titles.

Lab 257 eBook edition by Carroll, Michael C.
Strictly off limits to the public, Plum Island is home to virginal beaches, cliffs, forests, ponds -- and the deadliest germs that have ever roamed the planet. Lab 257 blows the lid off the stunning true nature and checkered history of Plum Island. It shows that the seemingly bucolic island in the shadow of New York City is a ticking biological time bomb that none of us can safely ignore.
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I LIKED YOUR PROFILE (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Davies, Scott W.
I Liked Your Profile: Experiences In Gay Online Dating is a brutally honest look into one man's four-year journey through online dating. I Liked Your Profile exposes a number of patterns and behaviors to be aware of when corresponding with people online. The stories are funny, bizarre, sad, and even frightening. Not only does I Liked Your Profile reveal many of the dysfunctions in the world of gay online dating, but also takes an unapologetic look at the gay community as a whole.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Discount on Geekonomics eBook Edition

Use coupon code DH59Y at check out and save!
BTW (in the spirit of the season) you might want to email this code to your friends so that they can save too.
eBook cover
Geekonomics: The Real Cost of Insecure Software eBook edition
by: Rice, David
Software has become crucial to the very survival of civilization. But badly written, insecure software is killing people –and costing businesses and individuals billions of dollars every year. This must change. In Geekonomics, David C. Rice shows how we can change it. . . Rice reveals why the software industry is rewarded for carelessness, and he shows how we can revamp the industry’s incentives to get the reliability and security we desperately need
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List Price : $23.95
Your price $20.48 (Using your 10% discount and $1.08 in eBook Reward points)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Books And Titles... Oh My!


With a title like Love and Sex with Robots how could you not be curious! I am happy to report that the books is almost as good as the title.

For those more seriously minded, here is a fabulous reference book on telecom and related technologyies. This is a great reference work to carry around on your PDA as you go up on those mountaintops and scale those towers . . . OK, I'm kidding about the tower part

If these books aren't what you are looking for, check out our eBooks About Science, eBooks about Tech or eBooks about Computers: You'll be sure to find something you have to have.

Love and Sex with Robots eBook edition by Levy, David
Love, marriage, and sex with robots? Not in a million years? Maybe a whole lot sooner.From a leading expert in artificial intelligence comes an eye-opening, superbly argued book that explores a new level of human intimacy and relationsh
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Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Horak, Ray
This book will provide a comprehensive survey of telecommunications technologies and services, at a reasonable level of technical depth in the entries, and in the author's unique plain-English, commonsense style. Coverage will be comprehensive for international wired and wireless telecommunications, not covered in the major competition. Includes information about: Power Line Carrier (PLC), Broad over Power Line (BPL), Passive Optical Network (PON), 802.11g, 802.16 & WiMAX, Fiber Optics, Storage Area Networks (SANs), Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), CATV Networks, Wireless Cellular, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) vs. H.323 (international), Regulation & Convergence. Divestiture and Revestiture, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A-worldwide)
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Buy either of these titles this week, and recieve an extra 5% off your total purchase - so read all you want - these titles and much more await you at! Use the following coupon code at checkout: I812DOU

Friday, October 5, 2007

Can You Hear Me Now?


Who knew that cell phones could be spiritual? I will admit that I have an emotional relationship with my iphone but spiritual?

The iPhone Book is both beautiful and expertly written -- the language is clear, concise, and entertaining. I personally find the iPhone to be the easiest cell phone I have ever used however; even so, I picked up several good tips and tricks from this book, and recommend it to all iPhone owners who want to get the most out of their new toy.

In Cell Phone Spirituality, the experience of transcendence within technology is put into the practical terms of daily life. This eBook is a cleverly woven reference to cell phone communication that makes Father Goodrich's book so relevant to the challenges of living the Christian Life in the 21st Century. I liked being able to relate some of my situations to things in this book. A must read for people who are busy, overwhelmed and always on the run.

The Iphone Book: How to Do the Things You Want to Do with Your Iphone (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Kelby, Scott, White, Terry
This is the eBook version of the printed book.There are basically two types of iPhone books out there: (1) The "Tell-me-all-about-it" kind, which includes in-depth discussions on everything from wireless network protocols to advanced compression codes. (2) Then there's this book, which instead is a "show-me-how-to-do-it" book, that skips all the confusing techno-jargon and just tells you, in plain simple English, exactly how to use the iPhone features you want to use most. The iPhone Book is from Scott Kelby, the award-winning author of the smash bestseller, The iPod Book, who takes that same highly-acclaimed, casual, straight-to-the-point concept and layout and brings it to learning Apple's amazing iPhone. Scott teams up once again with gadget guru, and leading iPhone authority, Terry White to put together a book that is an awful lot like the iPhone itself-simple to use and fun to learn. The book's layout is brilliant, with each page covering just one single topic, so finding the information you need is quick and easy, with a large full-color photo on each page so you can see exactly how it works.
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Cell Phone Spirituality eBook edition by Goodrich O.P., Kevin
Cell Phone Spirituality: What Your Cell Phone Can Teach You About Life And God is a book that helps you see how God can be apart of your everyday life. It's meant to be a practical book that you can write in, mark up, and talk to your friends about over a cup of coffee. Its goal is to help you notice all of the opportunities you have in life to make a deeper connection to God. It gives you in easy to read chapters an entire overview of Christian living and spirituality. There are optional questions and practical exercises that you can use right away to help you grow in your spiritual walk. The book works well for the individual reader or as a book study for faith communities and groups. In readable contemporary language, Father Goodrich makes ancient spiritual concepts come alive for men and women living in today's world.
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Monday, September 24, 2007

God, Math & Crime


Are Science and God mutually exclusive? Here's a way to find out. Or you can wrap you're mind around how advanced Mathematics is used to solve crime. In either case both of these books are sure to give you something to think about.

Spiritual Brain, The eBook edition by Beauregard, Mario
Do religious experiences come from God, or are they merely the random firing of neurons in the brain? Drawing on his own research with Carmelite nuns, neuroscientist Mario Beauregard shows that genuine, life-changing spiritual events can be documented. He offers compelling evidence that religious experiences have a nonmaterial origin, making a convincing case for what many in scientific fields are loath to consider—that it is God who creates our spiritual experiences, not the brain.
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The Numbers Behind Numb3rs eBook edition by Devlin, Keith, Lorden, Gary
Using the popular CBS prime-time TV crime series Numb3rs as a springboard, Keith Devlin (known to millions of NPR listeners as "the Math Guy" on NPR's Weekend Edition with Scott Simon) and Gary Lorden (the principal math advisor to Numb3rs) explain real-life mathematical techniques used by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to catch and convict criminals. From forensics to counterterrorism, the Riemann hypothesis to image enhancement, solving murders to beating casinos, Devlin and Lorden present compelling cases that illustrate how advanced mathematics can be used in state-of-the-art criminal investigations
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Friday, September 7, 2007

This is Your Brain, This is Your Brain on IPhone...

The IPhone Book

You can't deny the appeal of the IPhone... or can you? With the recent hoopla over the price point drop - unhappy stockholders, angry early adopters, and exuberant price watchers who may think that the two-hundred dollar price drop was just what they needed to get them to run out to the nearest Apple store - And Still, all I see is pretty form factor. I just simply want one. So, this first week's title is to help IPhone owners get the best of their gadget. The next title may help me understand what I find so sexy about the IPhone... why does it, work for me? Does it have anything to do with gender related brain differences? Inquiring minds want to know. Be sure to check out this week's special discount code below - no, it's not $200.00 bucks off your IPhone... but it's still good.

The Iphone Book: How to Do the Things You Want to Do with Your Iphone (Adobe Reader) eBook edition
by Kelby, Scott, White, Terry

There are basically two types of iPhone books out there: (1) The "Tell-me-all-about-it" kind, which includes in-depth discussions on everything from wireless network protocols to advanced compression codes. (2) Then there's this book, which instead is a "show-me-how-to-do-it" book, that skips all the confusing techno-jargon and just tells you, in plain simple English, exactly how to use the iPhone features you want to use most.

The iPhone Book is from Scott Kelby, the award-winning author of the smash bestseller, The iPod Book, who takes that same highly-acclaimed, casual, straight-to-the-point concept and layout and brings it to learning Apple's amazing iPhone. Scott teams up once again with gadget guru, and leading iPhone authority, Terry White to put together a book that is an awful lot like the iPhone itself-simple to use and fun to learn. The book's layout is brilliant, with each page covering just one single topic, so finding the information you need is quick and easy, with a large full-color photo on each page so you can see exactly how it works.

You'll quickly learn how to use the most useful and most requested iPhone features so you can start having fun, and start really using your iPhone today-right now! If you're ready to learn "just the funk and not the junk," it's all here-in the only book of its kind-and you're going to love it.

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FEMALE BRAIN eBook edition
by Brizendine, Louann Md
The Birth of the Female Brain

Leila was a busy little bee, flitting around the playground, connecting with the other children whether or not she knew them. On the verge of speaking in two- and three-word phrases, she mostly used her contagious smile and emphatic nods of her head to communicate, and communicate she did. So did the other little girls. "Dolly," said one. "Shopping," said another. There was a pint-size community forming, abuzz with chatter, games, and imaginary families.

Leila was always happy to see her cousin Joseph when he joined her on the playground, but her joy never lasted long. Joseph grabbed the blocks she and her friends were using to make a house. He wanted to build a rocket, and build it by himself. His pals would wreck anything that Leila and her friends had created. The boys pushed the girls around, refused to take turns, and would ignore a girl's request to stop or give the toy back. By the end of the morning, Leila had retreated to the other end of the play area with the girls. They wanted to play house quietly together.

Common sense tells us that boys and girls behave differently. We see it every day at home, on the playground, and in classrooms. But what the culture hasn't told us is that the brain dictates these divergent behaviors. The impulses of children are so innate that they kick in even if we adults try to nudge them in another direction. One of my patients gave her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter many unisex toys, including a bright red fire truck instead of a doll. She walked into her daughter's room one afternoon to find her cuddling the truck in a baby blanket, rocking it back and forth saying, "Don't worry, little truckie, everything will be all right."

This isn't socialization. This little girl didn't cuddle her "truckie" because her environment molded her unisex brain. There is no unisex brain. She was born with a female brain, which came complete with its own impulses. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values, and their very reality.

The brain shapes the way we see, hear, smell, and taste. Nerves run from our sense organs directly to the brain, and the brain does all the interpreting. A good conk on the head in the right place can mean that you won't be able to smell or taste. But the brain does more than that. It profoundly affects how we conceptualize the world--whether we think a person is good or bad, if we like the weather today or it makes us unhappy, or whether we're inclined to take care of the day's business. You don't have to be a neuroscientist to know this. If you're feeling a little down and have a nice glass of wine or a lovely piece of chocolate, your attitude can shift. A gray, cloudy day can turn bright, or irritation with a loved one can evaporate because of the way the chemicals in those substances affect the brain. Your immediate reality can change in an instant.

If chemicals acting on the brain can create different realities, what happens when two brains have different structures? There's no question that their realities will be different. Brain damage, strokes, prefrontal lobotomies, and head injuries can change what's important to a person. They can even change one's personality from aggressive to meek or from kind
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to School - Required Reading Reinvented

labor day image

To celebrate Labor day we, at eBooksAboutEverything, are giving you an additional 5% off on these fun titles, to divert you from giving up your summer fun & buckling down to work...
Use coupon code: la78dy9 at checkout for this extra special discount.

Jinx by Cabot, Meg
ISBN: 9780061254437
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
Year Published: 2007
The only thing Jean Honeychurch hates more than her boring name (not Jean Marie, or Jeanette, just . . . Jean) is her all-too-appropriate nickname, Jinx. Misfor-tune seems to follow her everywhere she...(by Meg Cabot, author of, "The Princess Diaries" & "Size 14 is Not Fat Either")
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FOREVER IN BLUE by Brashares, Ann
ISBN: 9780375843181
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Year Published: 2007
By the author of, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,"... Brashares continues to deliver a delightful and comforting story of friendship, life and more from the blue-jean's eye view...
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

eBook Coupon Code for 8-22 to 8-29

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